UN Goals - ferm LIVING

Our dedication to ethical and responsible business practices is outlined in our Code of Conduct, which aligns with the UN Global Compact's Ten Principles. All suppliers are required to adhere to ferm LIVING’s Code of Conduct, emphasising our commitment to promoting responsible business practices.

Human Rights

PRINCIPLE 1: Businesses should support and respect the pro­tection of internationally proclaimed human rights.

PRINCIPLE 2: Make sure that they are not complicit in human rights abuses.

We uphold international human rights, embracing diversity and treating all individuals equally, irrespective of race, age, religion, sexual orientation or social background. We vehemently oppose all forms of racism and physical or emotional abuse. Our commit­ment extends to responsibly sourcing and producing products, safeguarding workers' rights and ensuring safe, healthy working environments. Human rights violations are unequivocally unac­ceptable and will not be tolerated.

Throughout our supply chain, we cultivate lasting relationships grounded in mutual value creation, respectful behaviour and transparent communication. We enforce good working stand­ards among our suppliers through accredited certifications and auditing schemes in our internal framework entitled ‘Responsi­ble suppliers’. Our commitment to sustainability spans both envi­ronmental and social aspects and we are dedicated to sharing our progress and increasing transparency.


PRINCIPLE 3: Businesses should uphold the freedom of asso­ciation and the effective recognition of the right to collective bargaining.

PRINCIPLE 4: The elimination of all forms of forced and com­pulsory labour.

PRINCIPLE 5: The effective abolition of child labour.

PRINCIPLE 6: The elimination of discrimination in respect of employment and occupation.

We unequivocally prohibit the use of forced and child labour in any form. Throughout 2023, we have not identified any instanc­es of human rights violations within our company or among our suppliers. We remain committed to monitoring labour condi­tions along our supply chain to ensure compliance and ethical practices.

In 2021, we became a member of Amfori's Business Social Com­pliance Initiative (BSCI). Through our Code of Conduct and certifications such as BSCI, FSC™ and GOTS, we actively cham­pion the rights of workers in our supply chain, aligning with the labour principles of the UN Global Compact. Our relationships with partners are built on mutual value creation, transparent communication, trust and considerate behaviour, all in pursuit of responsible business practices and improved living standards.


PRINCIPLE 7: Businesses should support a precautionary approach to environmental challenges.

PRINCIPLE 8: Undertake initiatives to promote greater environmental responsibility.

PRINCIPLE 9: Encourage the development and diffusion of environmentally friendly technologies.

Our environmental policy revolves around three key 2030 Commitments: To achieve complete transparency for all products. To attain third-party certifications for all products whenever possible. To strive towards achieving CO₂e neutrality.  

Committed to minimising our environmental impact and promoting circular practices in responsible production processes,  we encourage transparency and traceability, while certifications and testing ensure the safety and fairness of working conditions in our supply chain, as well as the responsible production and high quality of our products. We use a Climate Screening Tool to measure the CO₂e footprint of our products. This is based on the EU’s method for calculating a product’s environmental footprint (PEF).


PRINCIPLE 10: Businesses should work against corruption in all its forms, including extortion and bribery.

We staunchly condemn any form of corruption. Any business proposals implying corruption are promptly rejected and ferm LIVING is steadfastly dedicated to adhering to the law with ut­most integrity. Despite inherent local risks in our global supplier relationships, we maintain a zero-tolerance stance within the company. All suppliers are required to sign and adhere to our Code of Conduct. Our governance procedures were updated in 2020, incorporating a four-eyed principle, and our whistleblow­er procedures allow for the anonymous reporting of incidents. As of 2023, there is no record of any corruption breaches within the company or among suppliers and no whistleblower incidents have been reported.
Read our Code of Conduct here.


UN Sustainable Development Goals

The 17 United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) serve as a roadmap for creating a better and more sustainable future for everyone.

The SDGs address global challenges such as poverty, inequality, climate change, environmental degradation and the pursuit of peace and justice. For us, investing in sustainable and responsible practices is not just an ethical principle, but also a sound business approach.

We actively support the UN's SDGs, utilising them to shape the integra­tion of sustainable policies into our business strategy and cultural mindset. Collaborating with partners and suppliers, our commitment is particularly focused on Goals 8, 12, 13 and 17, recognising these as areas where our busi­ness can have the most significant positive impact on both people and planet.


Decent Work and Economic Growth

Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and pro­ductive employment and decent work for all. We actively promote inclusive and sustainable economic growth, aiming for widespread employment and decent work opportunities for all. In our per­spective, decent work encompasses productive employment that offers fair income, workplace security, favourable working conditions, social protection for families and enhanced prospects for personal development and social in­tegration. Upholding high standards in human rights and fair wages is integral to our commitment, demonstrated through our Code of Conduct, as well as initiatives and certifications such as BSCI, FSC™ and GOTS. These measures affirm our proactive role in ensuring the rights of workers in our supply chain are upheld.


Responsible Consumption and Production

Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns. We promote sustainable consumption and production by achieving more with less, decoupling economic growth from environmental harm and advo­cating for resource efficiency and sustainable lifestyles. Our commitment in­volves “the use of services and related products which respond to basic needs and bring a better quality of life while minimising the use of natural resources and toxic materials, as well as the emissions of waste and pollutants over the life cycle of the service or product, so as not to jeopardise the needs of future generations.”

In close collaboration with suppliers, we enhance all phases of our supply chain, ensuring transparency through quality testing and certifications. We aim at manufacturing products in the right quantity, avoiding burning or de­stroying products unsold items. We want our products to be used and surplus items are donated to NGOs like the Red Cross, our primary charity partner. In the early design phase, guided by our Responsibility Criteria, we make sus­tainable choices by selecting responsible materials, designing for disassembly and embracing a cradle-to-grave approach. This ensures ease of recycling for customers, promoting product longevity and fostering a circular mindset.


Climate Action  

Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts.Climate change poses an indisputable threat to civilisation, with visible and potentially catastrophic effects. Urgent action through education, innovation and commitment to climate goals can avert disaster. Making necessary chang­es not only safeguards the planet but also presents significant opportunities to modernise infrastructure, generate new jobs and foster global prosperity.

We assess and quantify our business impact by measuring the CO₂e footprint of our products using Målbar's Climate Screening Tool. Collaborating with key suppliers, we evaluate the product climate impact from raw material to warehouse arrival. In spring 2024, we will analyse our full impact (scopes 1, 2, and 3) to establish a baseline for future reduction targets by summer 2024. Our commitment extends to minimising environmental impact, promoting circular practices and designing for longevity to reduce resource consump­tion and CO₂ emissions. In the early product design phase, we apply Re­sponsibility Criteria, including longevity, materials, disassembly design and certifications like FSC™, OCS, GOTS, and GRS, focusing on environmental considerations. Furthermore, the EU's sustainability commitment has result­ed in new regulations, such as the Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM).


Partnerships for the Goals 

Strengthen the means of implementation and revitalise the Global Partner­ship for Sustainable Development. This goal aims to strengthen global partnerships for sustainable development by engaging governments, civil society, the private sector, the United Nations and other actors in implementing the remaining sixteen SDGs. We maintain a longstanding partnership with the Red Cross. We prioritise long-term part­nerships with specialists in various fields to continually learn, progress and improve our responsible practices, advancing toward greater sustainability for a better tomorrow.