Our Showrooms

Ferm Living has six professional showrooms worldwide where you can experience our brand universe.

See details below.

Our showroom in Copenhagen

In the heart of Copenhagen, you’ll find our Brand House, the Home of Ferm Living, which houses our offices as well as our Boutique, which is open to both B2C and B2B clients.

The Home of Ferm Living
Kuglegårdsvej 1-5
1434, Copenhagen K
Phone: +45 31 38 20 51

Opening hours

Monday-Friday: 10 AM - 6 PM
Saturday: 10 AM - 4 PM

Our showroom in London

Ferm Living Pop-Up Showroom
70 Clerkenwell Road
London, EC1M 5QA
United Kingdom

Contact here

Opening hours

Open by appointment only.

Our showroom in Hannover

Ferm Living ApS
Podbielskistraße 30
30163 Hannover

Phone: +49 511 39 40 426

Opening hours

Open by appointment only.

Our showroom in Brussels

Ferm Living
Atomiumsquare 1 / D-113
1020 Brussels

Phone: +32 (0) 9-3368415

Opening hours

Our showroom in Eindhoven

Ferm Living
Torenallee 42-60
5617 BD Eindhoven

Phone: +31 (0) 40-7800985

Opening hours

Open by appointment only.

Our showroom in Oslo

Ferm Living
Studio Thune
Drammensveien 130, B11
0277 Oslo

Phone: +47 415 45 400

Opening hours

Open by appointment only.