1. General
This cookie policy is based on the "Directive on privacy and electronic communications" (Directive 2002/58/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 12 July 2002 concerning the processing of personal data and the protection of privacy in the electronic communications sector (Directive on privacy and electronic communications).
This directive contains the rules regarding information about and consents to cookies that are saved on your computer. When you visit this website information about you, your computer and your behaviour on the site is collected. In this cookie policy, you can read in details information about how we handle the collected information, what we use it for, who has access to the information and whom you can contact regarding the collected information.
By visiting and using this website, you give your consent to this cookie policy and the collection of the information about you.
2. Cookies
When you visit this website, you automatically receive one or more cookies.
2.1 What is a cookie?
A cookie is a small text file stored in your browser and recognised by the website upon returning, enabling us to send personalised information to your browser. A cookie can contain text, numbers or e.g. a date, but there is no personal information stored in a cookie. It is not a program and cannot contain a virus.
2.2 How long do we store the cookies?
The cookies sent to you from this website is stored for maximum 24 months from your latest visit. Every time you revisit the site, the period is prolonged. The cookies concerned will, therefore, be stored in a maximum of 24 months counting from your last visit to our website.
2.3 How do I avoid cookies?
Rejecting cookies: You can always reject cookies on your computer by changing the settings in your browser. How you find these settings depends on your browser. You must be aware that if you choose to reject cookies, there might be functions you cannot use because these functions and services presuppose that the website remembers the choices you make.
Deleting cookies: Cookies that you previously accepted can afterwards easily be deleted. If you use a PC with a recent Internet browser you can delete your cookies using the keyboard shortcut: CTRL + SHIFT + Delete. If the shortcut does not work, or if you use a MAC, you may start by finding out which browser you use and subsequently clicking the relevant link:
Remember: If you use several Internet browsers you have to delete the cookies in all of them.
2.4 What are cookies used for on our website?
Cookies are necessary for the website to work properly. Furthermore, cookies help us gain an overview of your visit to the site so that we can optimise and target the website continually to your needs and interests. Cookies remember e.g. what you added to a potential basket if you previously visited the site and what language and currency you prefer on the site. We use cookies to determine who visits our website as well as keeping statistics, analyses and re-marketing. On a general level, the cookies are thus utilised as part of our service to show you content as relevant as possible.
2.5 Cookies on is hosted on a platform owned by Shopify Inc. Your data is kept in Shopifys database and apps. Your data is kept save on a secure server behind a firewall. The platform registers cookies, which are essential for the function of this website.
3. Contact information
If you wish to gain further information about this website and its use of cookies, you are welcome to contact us:
Ferm Living ApS
Kuglegaardsvej 1-5
1434 Copenhagen K
Contact form
Tel: +45 7022 7523