Humans - Ferm Living

As a collective of colleagues and partners, our shared commitment is evident in the passion we bring to our work. Guided by enthusiasm, helpfulness and respect, we celebrate our diversity, uplifting one another and fostering an environment where each individual can thrive. Our ethos centres around responsibility and decency, creating an inclusive environment where no one is considered above another.

As participants in the UN Global Compact, we uphold its principles and values in our conduct and interactions.

  • Our stance on diversity is unwavering, valuing every individ­ual irrespective of race, age, religion, sexual orientation or social status.
  • We vehemently oppose all forms of racism, as well as physi­cal, verbal and emotional abuse.
  • Our recruitment practices prioritise talent and disregard bi­ases related to ethnicity, age, gender, religion, sexual prefer­ence, disability or social identity.
  • Our passionate working environment is enhanced through greater empowerment and flexibility, fostering a healthy work-life balance and advocating for the well-being of both body and mind.
  • Our relationships with partners and suppliers are built on mutual respect and lasting connections.
  • While we are driven by entrepreneurship and high ambi­tions, we never compromise our values by solely chasing the lowest manufacturing price.
  • Striving for excellence, we continuously aim to provide the best possible service to everyone, regardless of their back­ground or identity.

Health and Safety

Our efforts in documenting workplace accidents have yielded positive results, as no incidents have been recorded in the past years. Considering the unique nature of our company, we ac­knowledge the absence of specific health and safety procedures. Nevertheless, we maintain a proactive approach to safety through the operation of a Working Environment Committee.

In November 2023, we conducted a comprehensive Team En­gagement Culture Survey and two more are planned for 2024. Ferm Living is steadfast in its commitment to leveraging the insights from each survey, addressing concerns at both individual department and Extended Leadership Team levels.

In 2023, our whistle blower programme transitioned to a digital format in step with legislation. All employees can anonymously raise concerns and report misconduct online, without fear of re­prisal. Underpinning our culture of transparency, accountability, integrity and ethical behaviour, whistleblowing helps us to iden­tify, address and act upon issues.

At the end of 2023, Ferm Living employed:

Number of employees

2023: 76
2022: 83

Percentage of female employees

2023: 81%
2022: 84%

Percentage of female employees in managerial positions

2023: 38%
2022: 50%

Percentage of women on the board

2023: 40%
2022: 50%

Staff turnover

2023: 22%
2022: 10%

Retention rate

2023: 78%
2022: 90%

Absenteeism rate

2023: 3%
2022: 3,62%

Number of workplace accidents

Total to date: 0


Internal engagement is crucial for achieving our goals. Each department works daily on projects within our strategic focus areas. To meet our ambitious targets, everyone must take ownership, leveraging their talents and knowledge to propel Ferm Living forward. With a representative in each department and operating company wide, Changemakers track and drive progress guided by a detailed action plan and foster collective ownership of our responsibility journey. These internal sustainability ambassadors help to ensure our continuous improvement through tangible actions.